Winter solstice yin yoga sequence
Winter solstice yin yoga sequence

winter solstice yin yoga sequence

This year the Winter Solstice falls on Thursday 21 December and marks the first day of Winter and the shortest day of the year with almost nine hours less daylight than there was at the Summer Solstice in June. She calls her family together within her inmost home to prepare them for being scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.” She withers the plant down to the root that she may grow it up again fairer and stronger. May the winter months find you slowing down on your mat, and enjoying the wonder of this restorative season.“Nature looks dead in winter because her life is gathered into her heart. It is important to always remember ahimsa, especially to one’s self, and never overdo asanas that are within our practice, or include asanas that are above our abilities.

winter solstice yin yoga sequence

As always, you are the best judge of your body and what asanas feel appropriate. However, we also should pay attention to the changes in our environment and adjust our practice accordingly. Whether you are a power or yin yogi it is important to keep the body moving during all seasons of the year. Supporting the knees with bolsters can lessen the tension on the back in this asana and increase the restorative nature of the pose. It is said that many emotions are held within the hips and keeping them healthy is a way to help keep our minds healthy too. Supta Baddha Konasana: It is important not to forget our hips, Supta Baddha Konasana provides a restorative way to stretch the muscles of this joint. Chair pose can keep your legs active and is an excellent choice for people who ski or snowboard during the snowy season. Utkatasana: If you wish to keep up strength in your legs and bring in some warmth to your practice this asana is a great way to fire up your legs and breath. In addition, forward beds stretch the spine and the hamstrings which need it during sedentary winter months. Forward bends are a way to counter these negative emotions and gently raise energy. Uttanasana: Many people find the shorter days during winter and the minimized day light bring on feelings of sadness and depression.

winter solstice yin yoga sequence

Spinal twists of any seated or supine variety are a great way to keep these parts of the body alive and stimulated. With winter’s less active lifestyles, we tend to spend more time seated and neglect the spine and internal organs. It also is fantastic for relaxation and is an alternative position for the body during Savasana.Īrdha Matsyendrasana: A spinal twist is a great way to energize the back of the body and awaken the organs. Viparita Karini: This restorative pose is great for helping circulation in the legs which might not get used as often during the snowy/rainy days. Here are some suggested poses and the reasons for doing them during the winter months: The asanas in yin yoga are often named differently than in other Hatha yoga styles, and can be held for a length of one to twenty minutes. It focuses on stimulating the connective tissue, rather than the muscles that are utilized so readily in other practices. Yin yoga involves longer holdings and fewer asanas than many other styles. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate, not unlike what happens to animals that hibernate during the colder months. Restorative encourages relaxing in restful poses, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous and immune systems. Restorative or yin yoga might be just the styles of yoga to keep you on your mat during the long winter days. This coming season is time of reflection and slowing down, but it does not mean hibernation from your practice. Finding the motivation to get your body and soul moving on your yoga mat can be a great challenge. Cozying up to a fire with tea and a warm blanket sounds divine as the nights are long and the hours of daylight short.

winter solstice yin yoga sequence

The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of a season that brings cold snow and rain to many parts of the United States.

Winter solstice yin yoga sequence